Established business in need of a brand refresh and visual cohesion

Design consistency enforces trust and brand credibility

You have a well-established logo and brand and a successful business, but, maybe over the years various companies, or staff, have worked on your marketing collateral, and disregarded design guidelines … sound familiar? As a result the clarity of your brand message has suffered, with a confusing mix of styles being used by your staff and contractors.

Ensure your company image is always ‘on brand’

Your company image is important and design cohesion, across all marketing and branding, is key to ensuring customers trust your brand.

A brand assessment and guidelines pdf

An assessment of your current logo, is the starting point, you are happy with it but may feel it needs a little modernising. Next we will look at how your current branding, marketing literature and social media assets are being implemented, finding the weak and strong visual points. I then work with you to develop design solutions and devise a brand guidelines pdf, to ensure your brand delivers professionalism, across all of your marketing channels.

Do I need company brand guidelines?

Yes! Brand guidelines enable you to control the way your brand is used, making it clear to contractors and staff how your brand elements should be adopted in order to ensure design consistency and a professional business image.

Cover and inner pages of a square format brochure design for a Portsmouth based charity.
Lets's talk

A brand review for established businesses includes:

  • Reviewing the design and use of your current logo and branding
  • Assessing your current marketing material
  • Working with you, to improve and visually ‘pull-it-all-together’
  • Suggesting new graphic elements as required
  • Ensuring design consistency across all marketing channels
  • Implementation across your printed marketing collateral
  • Getting your company image back ‘on-brand’

i-i-design offer marketing collateral design, print and project management, including:

  • Brand guidelines design
  • Brochure design and print
  • Annual report design and print
  • Catalogue design and print
  • Exhibition stand design
  • Roller banner design
  • Packaging design
  • Social media branding
  • Social media assets

    If the design project you have in mind is not listed, don’t hesitate to contact i-i-design

Jackie listened and took on board our design needs

We wanted to develop a business website design that would engage visitors, create an easy-to-understand business profile and be responsive on all devices, as well as being user-friendly. The new site achieved all of the above and is well-designed, functional, eye-catching, highly visible and easily navigable and is the end product of an ongoing process that has involved a great deal of considered consultation at every stage of the website development process. The new website received a lot of very positive and complementary feedback. Jackie listened and took on board our design needs, whilst at the same time providing, very practical, advice and honest opinion. i-i-design also worked on annual report design and marketing assets for us.

Mark Marston – Brand & Communications Manager – Ashley House plc